Ladies' guide to daily outfits and accessories that you can afford with items even from your own closet
I was just thinking how I needed more headbands and then this little beaut came around. I love that it's just the right amount of glitz to jazz up any outfit. It's perfect for a night out, holiday party, wedding, you name it!

You can purchase this Rhinestone Frosting Headband from Brickyard Buffalo for only $14.99.

Savings of 40% from the original price of $25. 
This deal lasts a bit longer. You still have 6 and a half days to get it before your chance to get it is gone.

If you love chambray tops, then you'll love this Chambray Skirt. Perfect for the, hopefully soon, spring and summer months. Get this skirt for only $19 at Brickyard Buffalo. Available in sizes 0, 2, 4, & 8. With a savings of 26.9%, get it before it's gone. You still have two and a half days!
This necklace is one of my absolute favorite finds. I can't believe how inexpensive it is and the fact that you can personalize it. 
Show your love with this My Heart Belongs In... Necklace from Brickyard Buffalo for only $14.99.

This is a savings of 50% from the original price of $30.00, but DON'T WAIT! You only have 3 and a half days to order it before the deal is gone.

WOWZA! Anybody would look smoking hot in this Little Red Dress from Brickyard Buffalo. You will stop people dead in their tracks if you're sporting this little number. It's absolutely perfect for a wedding, evening out, nice dinner party, you name it, AND.... it's only $17.90. Such a steal! It's a savings of 44.1% from it's original price of $32. Not only is the price amazing, but the detail around the neckline is edgy, but elegant at the same time to add just the right touch.

I would not wait a moment on this one because it'll probably be gone before you know it. I don't even think it'll last the 2 and a half days that they still have the sale.

Perfect timing with my, "Back to Basics: Scarves post from yesterday.

This "The Spring is Coming" Scarf from Brickyard Buffalo is on sale for $14.99. It's a savings of 50% off from the original price of $29.99.

Don't wait! You only have a little over 2 and a half days to get it and how could you not want this in your closet for spring?!


Baseball season is right around the corner, so why not support it in style?! Ok, you got me! It's not really for a specific baseball team and it doesn't represent baseball much at all, but it's still shimmery and cute.

You have a little less than a day and a half to buy it from Brickyard Buffalo for only $15.99, which is a savings of 23.9% from $21.

Now grab your ball cap, friends, and go watch some baseball in style!

Who doesn't love a hat on a bad hair day or just when you're feeling like something a little different?! These Fedora Style Hats are perfect for either of those occasions, and more. I LOVE the different colors that they come in…. Black, Mustard, Olive, Rust, Tan, and Teal. You'll be able to find the perfect color for you. 
You can find them at Brickyard Buffalo for only $12.99. This is a savings of 47.9% from $24.95 and a deal you surely can't pass up, but don't worry, you still have a little over 3 days before the deal is done.
Who doesn't feel the need to be "inspired" every once in a while? This is the perfect necklace to put on in the morning to make yourself start the day off right.

You can get this "Inspire" Necklace at Brickyard Buffalo for only $10.99. It's original cost is $25.99. So, you would be saving a total of 57.7% if you buy it today.

Always remember.... with Brickyard Buffalo, you have a limited time to buy. Starting now, you still have a little less than 2 and a half days to purchase it.

Could these be any cuter and more unique?! Not only that, these Pearl Leggings are available in Gray and Black and super soft and stretchy, but only for 2 and a half more days at Brickyard Buffalo for $19.50. These are a savings of 33.9% from $29.50.

These earrings are ADORABLE, and with the number of different patterns they have, I dare you to not find one that you don't love. Not only can you get a pair for yourself, but they're cheap enough to get as gifts too!

Shop now! 
You only have 2 and a half days left to get these Made by Jewls Earrings For Your Valentine for only $4.49 from Brickyard Buffalo. They're a 25.2% savings from $6.00. They are available in 21 patterns. Check out a few of my other favorite patterns below.

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