Ladies' guide to daily outfits and accessories that you can afford with items even from your own closet
If you're looking to add something a little funky and unique to your wardrobe, I've got just the item for you! This is definitely only something that the right teacher, author, or editor could pull off. This skirt is from Anthropologie and it's their Archival Collection: No. 2 Pencil Skirt for $118. It comes in both regular and petite sizes. If you're thinking that's a little too steep to pay, you could always wait and see if they still have it when it goes on sale. But...why not just check it out by clicking on the picture below?    I know you want to;)

Thanks to my sister for letting me know about this quite unique, but fun, item! It definitely takes the term "pencil skirt" to a whole new level!

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